What is energy healing?
What is energy healing? A bridge between eastern and western medicine, a coming back to self, power reclamation, truth. Find out more here.
Picture this.
One moment, we are snuggled up in the warm and cozy cocoon of our mother’s womb, breathing in time to her rhythmic heartbeat, floating between here and there… and the next, we are quite literally being pushed into this crazy world with no roadmap or guidebook on how to be a spirit in a human body.
We are pure, innocent beings of light, full of our own energy and on a mission: We are coming to planet Earth to feel every emotion on the spectrum! To learn lessons and do great things!
But then… quite suddenly…
Our needs aren’t always met.
We start to sacrifice what we want to please others.
We take on their energy and give away our own.
We are programmed to act and be a certain way and punished or put down if we’re not.
And we encounter a whole lot of suffering in this world that can leave us feeling vulnerable, angry, hopeless, and afraid.
Before long, we begin to forget - who we are and why we ever came here in the first place, with no instructions on how to find our way back home.
Energy healing is the user manual we needed from the beginning.
Our whole life, we are taught how to take care of our bodies, how to eat our fruits and vegetables, exercise and go to the doctor when we get sick. Mental health is becoming more mainstream with “wellness” taking the world by storm, but still, the two are usually treated separately, and often with drugs that mask the symptoms but rarely get to the root cause of the issue.
And, we are so much more…
Energy is the missing piece to our puzzle.
At our core, we are all energy (the only thing smaller than an atom is an energy wave). We feel best when we are in a bubble full to the brim of our own energy, but we are in a constant exchange with everything around us, and most of us weren’t taught how to keep our energy body in tact.
Energy healing connects the body, mind and spirit to prevent and heal disease. It keeps us full of our own energy so we can live our truth, and it brings us back to that pure state of wholeness we had when we first arrived, so we can do what we came here to do without distraction.
Energy healing is…
A bridge between eastern and western medicine.
A coming back to self.
Power reclamation.
It is the user manual we needed from the beginning on how to be a spirit on a human journey.
In a world where we don’t have control over everything… we do have control over one thing.
Our health. Our healing.
We hold the power to heal ourselves.
“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it.”
- Albert Einstein